Thursday, January 16, 2014

New Beds for my girlies!

   I am married to a very skilled craftsman, he can build or repair just about anything I can think of, and he does it with style.  There is a saying that states "The cobbler's children go without shoes."  I am happy to say that is not true in this just takes a while sometimes.  This week Seth finished an on going project that has been nagging at him for some time now, the crib for Sequoia.  This is no ordinary crib though, it is twin sized bunk bed with (removable) crib attached on top.
    We live in a very small house and when I found out I was expecting our second child I immediately started researching different styles of bunk beds to accommodate a crib and found surprisingly little information out there.  My older daughter was only two, so I wasn't ready for her to be on a top bunk and also did not want Sequoia to feel too caged in, with a roof over her head.  Finally I decided to come up with my own design of sorts and then Seth took it and made it much better. (Though my version had more storage options on the right of the bed, including a rod for hanging clothes - maybe that will happen in the future!)   Anyway, the gist of it was to have Mikaiah on the bottom and Sequoia in a crib on top with storage on the side.  When the girls grow out of them  they can become two separate twin beds, complete with head board and foot board.  I must say it was worth the wait, they really are beautiful.  The ironic thing is that Mikaiah loves it so much she has been begging to sleep up top in the crib.  So last night we finally gave in and had Mikaiah in a crib and Sequoia (who does not crawl or move much) sleeping on the bottom twin bed.  Funny girl!
    I thought I would mention (in case anyone is concerned) that the bed is not quite finished, we are working on a latch to keep the girls from swinging the door open and falling out.  For now we are putting something in front of it to keep it closed.

1 comment:

Hiker said...

Wow! That is the coolest "crib" I have ever seen!