The past few months have been a bit of a haze, filled with getting ready to move, house sitting, moving, settling in, birthdays, and the day to day raising of two little girls all covered over with the impending birth of this child and all that this brings. It's a crazy, busy, exciting, exhausting time (which, for the past few years, seems to just repeat itself and never really end) but I am trying to enjoy it.
I have an incredible support system of friends and family around me and am ever reminded of the amazing community the Lord has placed me in. These past few weeks as the waiting game has really begun and my discomfort has become ever more apparent I have felt it even more. I am in the midst of some amazing people and I know it.
As I face life day by day I often feel like I'm simply treading water. Not in the I'm going to drown kind of sense, but more in the I'm not really going anywhere or doing anything of significance on a day to day basis. For example, yesterday was taken up almost entirely by washing, drying, folding, sorting and putting away laundry. The. entire. day. Until 11 pm. No kidding. Interspersed with meal prep, clean up, the care of the my children and husband, random errands and a lovely visit from a friend of mine and her three little boys. This is not uncommon. The thing is, other than a cranky 21 month old who didn't sleep during her afternoon nap, it wasn't a bad day. It was just an ordinary day where I focused on me, my family and my home the whole day. The problem I am finding however is that being so inner focused (something our society actually encourages many times, putting yourself and your family above all others) is not something that is very fulfilling to me. It causes me to feel like my time is wasted and, if it's a bad day and things didn't go well, that I am failing in most of my life (since this IS my life right now.) Now whether you're a stay at home mom, a working parent, a student, or have no family but just work (or whatever stage of life you're in) I think it's common to feel this way. That we just keep going through the same motions and end up feeling a little futile.
As Christians, I believe that we are called to live for more than just ourselves. I believe that we are called to serve others and to daily love those around us selflessly. Easier said than done. But we have one great example of this, Jesus. Sometimes when I look at the life of Jesus and think about following him I only see the last three years of his life (because that's mostly what the bible covers) and how every day all day he was traveling around on a 24/7 ministry, which looks very different from my life. However, I must remember that for the first 30 years he was an (almost, but not quite) normal person living life in the daily grind, just like you and I. He was a carpenter, and yet because of his steadfastness and unchanging character I have a feeling that he was all of the serving, loving, compassionate person who lived beyond himself and focused on others even before his ministry officially began. This is what I need to remember. I am not waiting for my life to begin to start focusing more on the people around me than I do on myself.